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MIND THE GAP - Finished_edited.jpg


The iconic London Underground Map ... with words and buildings; landmarks that are the very essence of London, free-motion-quilted into the background of Metro Tiles.


Exhibited at The Festival of Quilts 2019

where it received a: HIGHLY COMMENDED !!


Exhibited at The International Festival of Quilts (Virtual)

at Houston, Texas, USA 2020


Initially created to explore techniques with a group of students it was entered in a UKQU Facebook Competition where it won FIRST PLACE !


Part of the prize was to be

Exhibited at the following 2019 shows:


The Great Northern Quilt Show, Harrogate

The Autumn Quilt Festival, Newark 

The Autumn Quilt Festival, Malvern

The Autumn Quilt Festival, Duxford

The Autumn Quilt Festival, Kent Showground, Detling,


It was also exhibited at:

Quiltfest in Llangollen

and as part of the same exhibition on:

The Quilters Guild Stand at:  

The Knitting & Stitching Show, Olympia, London


Exhibited at The International Festival of Quilts (Virtual)

at Houston, Texas, USA 2020



... Won FIRST PLACE in the Quilters Guild Region 12 Competition 'Celebrations'

‘Fireworks’ over the Millennium Stadium and Cardiff skyline Celebrating the Welsh Rugby Teams

 100% record during the 2018 Autumn Series. 

Individual turned circles of colour graduated fabric represent the ‘fireworks’ with free-motion feathers and micro-stippling/scribbling the turmoil of the surrounding air.   The Millennium Stadium, Cardiff Castle and The Pierhead Building are appliqued in silhouette along the base of the piece.                                       


Region 12 Quilters 2019 Guild Competition 'Celebration';

where it won First Prize was Exhibited at:

Cardigan Castle

Flying Goose, Llandello

Cynan Valley Museun, Aberdare

Swansea Library

CARAD, Rhyader

Cecilia Slinn Quilts Jan2019 Finished Ph


An experiment in creating a colour-wash background using 2" squares.  The Daisies are individually turned and sit on the surface with the centres embellished with beads.


Exhibited at: Quilts UK Malvern 2017

where it received a JUDGES MERIT



Created as a Tribute to 'Great-Grandpa's Gold Pocket Watch' worn by my Son on his Military Mess Dress

… a Tribute as the watch was stolen from his home earlier in the year  !!!


Exhibited at The Festival of Quilts 2019


... was made for my youngest Grandson's 2nd Birthday. 

The design was inspired by a sheet of Snakes & Ladders wrapping paper ... the snakes and ladders are all raw edge appliqued onto a checker board background.   The numbers originally draw with a textile pen were later embroidered.   I also made Bean Bag Frogs as Counters !


Entered in The Montgomery Show in 2016 it won FIRST in its Class and in its Category and then later BEST in SHOW !!

Cecilia Slinn Quilts Jan2019 Finished Ph
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